Forty weeks of pregnancy can certainly cause a tidal wave of emotions when your baby finally decides she's ready to make her debut. After all, you probably spent nine months browsing the net and reading numerous books and articles in preparation for the big day. Before she arrived, you likely felt confident and ready for your new role as a mother. You were energized, confident, excited and delighted. Now, let's fast forward a few weeks. You're now miserable and crabby. Your breasts are sore, cracked and your baby doesn't seem to ever be satisfied. She is not gaining adequate weight and you have given this breastfeeding stuff a wholehearted effort. You've tried all the tricks of the trade and are still having a hard time producing enough milk to satisfy baby. You've tried MilkThistle, Fenugreek, Galactogogues and have called your lactation consultant so much that she is on your speed dial or your cell phone's Favorite Five. And, now, you're considering saying the "heck with this" and are seriously considering supplementing with formula. But, you feel so darned guilty and frustrated. Why?
You likely feel guilty because you assume that something is wrong with you. As a mother with low milk supply, you mistakenly believe that you must be doing something wrong because Mother Nature doesn't seem to be cooperating with your breastfeeding efforts. You feel frustrated because you want to give your children the best and you've been programmed to think that formula is "second best". Right?
Well, I am here to tell you that these feelings are not doing you any good. You are NOT a bad mom for needing to supplement with formula. In fact, you should be acknowledged and praised as a Super Mom who gave breastfeeding a lot of effort. One who gave it her all. Heck, in my book, you get an "A" for effort!
But, what about those guilty and melancholy feelings? How can you stop feeling guilty from not producing enough breast milk? Here are some proven tips that you can apply right now:
1. Accept that you've done everything humanly possible in order increase your milk supply and that your decision to supplement is not selfish but is truly the best thing you can do for your baby.
2. Instead of feeling guilty and frustrated, turn those negative feelings inside out. Even if you have been planning to breastfeed from day one and you had dreams of exclusively nursing for the first year, then stop feeling guilty. Guilty feelings don't help and they can't change anything.
3. Relax and enjoy your baby. Take pleasure in those small things like the way baby holds your hand or smiles when you smile at him. Enjoy being a mom and love your baby.
4. Try laying skin to skin. For instance, while you're at home alone, lay your child on your naked bosom. It's the skin on skin bond that both baby and mother crave and need.
5.Focus on the positives. Do not allow feelings of guilt or frustration to creep into your mind at all. Instead, remain positive and enjoy your precious bundle of joy.
6. Discuss your feelings with other mothers who understand what you're going through. They may be able to offer you tips and techniques for keeping those guilty feelings at bay.
You've already spent almost an entire year nurturing and helping to grow your child healthily in your womb, it's time to enjoy them on the outside now. Bottle feeding your child may not be exactly what you were expecting or hoping for, but we must accept that it's perfect for your baby and that she will thrive and grow as a result of your unselfish act of supplementing.
Labels: Breast Feeding Fenugreek
I've been living well with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia for over 2 years now and I'll admit that it hasn't always been easy for me. As a wife, mother, and full time professional writer, it has been a constant struggle for me to maintain good health. However, I truly believe that if I can accomplish it, so can you. Here are a few tips that I've learned over the years that may help you live well with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia too.
Trust your body. You know your body better than anyone else. You must trust yourself to know when you should attempt to do something and when you should not. If your body is showing signs that you are experiencing a "flare" then listen up. Do not over do it. After all, you can control those symptoms and take control of your life. Your illness does not have to control you.
Embrace your condition. Yes, your records indicate that you have the appearance of a chronic illness and there will be days when you will not feel your best. In fact, from time to time, you may suffer muscle tenderness, unrelenting fatigue, sleep issues and depression. The key is to not let these down times dictate how you live your life. Instead know and trust that better days are coming and that you can and will find relief.
Learn all you can about it. Take some time and learn all you can about your condition. Read books and talk to medical professionals. Visit informative sites and stay up to date with current treatment options. After all, the more you know, the better equipped you are at choosing a treatment plan that may work for you.
Share your feelings. Do not keep your feelings bottled up inside. Instead share them with others who support you. Find support groups in your area and seek online support groups. Keep a journal. The key is to share your feelings and obtain the support you need to battle this condition.
Evaluate treatment options. Although there is no known cure, there are many medical and alternative treatment methods that can help you overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia symptoms. You simply have to be willing to try them out. Not every one of them will work for everyone. If you are open and receptive at trying new things, you will be amazed at what you'll discover and how much better you will feel when you develop an individualized recovery plan that works for you.
Be open and receptive to healing. Last but most importantly, know in your heart and soul that you can and will get better. Be patient and remember that healing takes time. Many people have overcome their symptoms and you can too. The key is to trust that you are getting better every single day and that change is coming.
In conclusion, you can live well with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia if you trust your body, embrace your condition, learn all you can about it, share your feelings, and be open and receptive to healing.
Labels: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia
Should yeast infection symptoms be treated at home or should you seek proper medical advice. You'll get a good argument either way. If you are experiencing the symptoms of yeast infection for the first time then most certainly, you should see your doctor.
If you have been through an episode of yeast infection then over the counter medications will usually do the trick. Home remedies are proving to be more and more popular particularly for women who catch the symptoms.
What Are The Symptoms?
These are symptoms associated with yeast infection:
- intense itching and burning sensation in the vagina
- discharge from the vagina from white to yellow in color and usually thick in nature
- an unpleasant odor
What To Do?
Okay, this is where it can get a little tricky because with most infections of this nature, self diagnosis and treatment is usually frowned upon by the medical profession. Why? Because the incidence of mis-diagnose is not surprisingly high.
The danger with diagnosing oneself is to mistake a yeast infection for something else and then rushing out to the local pharmacy to buy medication to treat it. The problem with this is two-fold:
- treating your condition with yeast infection medication when in fact the condition could actually be something a little more serious or,
- creating resistance yeast strains to drug treatment making it difficult to clear up when in fact you next have the symptoms.
For women who contract it the first time then definately seek medical opinion. More experienced women who have experienced the symptoms in the past will usually be better equipped to recognize the infection and better able to diagnose and treat it. But in the end, the safest way home is to make an appointment to see your doctor.
Home Remedy For Yeast Infection
Home remedies are encouraged only during the first signs of symptoms. Probably the best known home remedy is natural yoghurt. Yoghurt contains lactobcillus acidophillus which is very effective at killing off yeast.
Smearing natural yoghurt onto a tampon before placing it in the vagina or applying it directly into the affected area via a syringe are two application methods. Garlic and teatree oil preparations are two other well known home remedies. Again, these remedies should only be used very early in the symptoms stage and if you are not sure, then it's off to the doctor for more advice.
Being Sensible
Yeast infection was an issue which was hardly ever talked about just a few years ago given it's rather personal nature. Now, it's not difficult to find information on the subject particularly with the advent of the internet. It's imperitive you understand the the symptoms and don't assume every time there is a burning or itching sensation down below that yeast infection is at play. If you are even remotely unsure, seek proper medical advice.
Labels: yeast infection, yeast infection symptoms
Breast augmentation, similar to other surgical procedures, is also exposed to the risks of potential complications resulting from the surgery. In addition to complications that can occur with any surgery, such as scarring, infection, changes in sensation, or severe bruising , breast augmentation risks include certain breast implant problems that are unique to the procedure. Some women are permanently unable to sleep on their front after breast augmentation, and some suffer pain, the cause of which cannot be determined. Sometimes, implants have to be removed, together with the scar tissue that has formed around them, and as this usually leaves the breast flattened, most women prefer to have another implant instead. It is important that you are aware of the breast augmentation complications that might occur after your surgery.
Infection is a rare complication following breast augmentation but may develop early or late, possibly months or years after the surgery. When it does occur, the implant may have to be removed, at least temporarily. Infection may also weaken the skin and cause protrusion of an implant.
Risk of Silicone Breast Implant
There is a potential risk that silicone breast implants can interfere with mammography screenings used to detect the presence of cancer cells. The breast implant interferes by creating an obstruction through which the x-rays cannot pass. In addition, the silicone breast implants may also break under the firm pressure applied to the breasts during the screening. This is especially important with silicone implants, as silicone can leak unnoticed and cause harmful effects to the body. Although it is important to have regular mammograms to detect early signs of cancer, it is critical that you highlight the presence of breast implants, when you make your appointment or when you meet the technician. By doing this, it allows the technician to use special techniques to avoid interference and minimize the chances of rupture.
Whatever the implant is made of, it will comprise a shell around a gel or fluid. It is possible for the outer shell to wrinkle, particularly if it contains saline or some other fluid, and this may be obvious if the breast tissue is thin. If required, a wrinkled implant can be removed and replaced by one of a different type. This problem is unlikely to occur with the more solid implant fillings such as "cohesive gel"
Capsular Contracture
The body reacts to any implant as foreign and fibrous scar tissue forms around it - sometimes over a period of several years. This capsule of scar tissue may remain thin and pliable or, if the tissue shrinks and thickens, may compress the implant, causing it to become round and firm, which may cause tenderness. The shape of the breast may then alter and the implant may become hard. This process, known as capsular contracture, can occur any time, although it is most common in the first year of two after surgery. Further surgery may be necessary to reshape the breast or remove the implant.
Change in nipple sensation
Although any change in nipple sensation after breast augmentation is unlikely to be permanent, the larger the implant the greater the risk. Nipple sensation can occasionally be increased rather than decreased.
Labels: breast augmentation, breast implant, breast surgery, cosmetic surgery
For most people who are overweight, weight loss can easily be achieved with a healthy diet plan and moderate daily exercise. However, for those who suffer from severe obesity, the solution might not be so simple. It can be a chronic, lifelong condition that is not easy to treat with any success. In that situation, weight loss surgery could be a solution to consider.
Before deciding to undergo weight loss surgery, however, you should realize that it is a serious treatment procedure and should be considered very carefully. Before making that decision, it is wise to understand the pros and cons and to get as much information about the different procedures as possible.
If you are overweight by 100 pounds or more and have a Body Mass Index over 40, you will be a candidate for weight loss surgery, as that is considered severe obesity. Besides the self-esteem issues you may suffer as a result, you could also be experiencing sleep difficulties, heart problems, and diabetes. Those conditions, however, could mean greater complications from surgery. So this is something you and your doctor should consider very carefully.
Any surgery can cause a strain to your health and will take time to recover from. If you have other health conditions, your recovery time could be longer. Most people who look at weight loss surgery as an option, however, have tried other diet and exercise plans without success. They know that their weight is already affecting their health. They may consider the risk to be acceptable when weighed against the rewards. Only you can make that decision for yourself.
Obesity has become very common in modern society. It is estimated that more than 30% of U.S. adults are overweight, and some 9 million are considered to be severely obese. Weight loss surgery can successfully treat this problem when all else has failed and continued obesity is causing an unacceptable health risk.
Once you have decided to have the surgery, you need to carefully discuss with your primary doctor where you will have the surgery and whether your health insurance will cover it. If you can show that you have unsuccessfully tried to lose weight in the past, you may be covered.
While weight loss surgery is not the answer for everyone who is overweight, for certain people it is the best way to both lose weight and take back control of their health!
Labels: diet plan, lose weight, weight loss, weight loss diet, weight loss surgery
The cosmetic industry is a huge business around the world that makes billions off consumers every year. Probably each and every one of us use a number of cosmetic products such as soaps, body cleansers, moisturizers, and make-up on a daily basis. In fact, according to a 2004 study conducted by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, women use an average of 12 cosmetic products a day. When we are applying these products on and all around our bodies, we're probably not thinking about the tearless shampoo we have in our hands as a possible danger to our health. Shockingly, recent studies have shown that a large percentage of common household cosmetic products that a lot of us probably have in our homes right now contain a substance that can be harmful to our health and cause cancer.
1,4-Dioxane is a petroleum-derived contaminant that is thought to be a probable human carcinogen according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. And according to the National Toxicology Program, it is a known carcinogen in animals. It is listed on California's Proposition 65 list of chemicals that are either suspected or known to cause cancer and birth defects. 1,4-Dioxane is a byproduct that appears during the manufacturing of cosmetics. Although it can easily be taken out during the manufacturing process for pennies, it is often not. The Food and Drug Administration does not require companies to list it as an ingredient on their labels because it is produced during the manufacturing process.
Unfortunately, it doesn't end there. Jeanne Rizzo, R.N., the executive director of the Breast Cancer Fund and a founding member of The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics stated, "Regrettably, 1,4-Dioxane contamination is just the tip of the iceberg…Because the FDA does not require cosmetic products to be approved as safe before they are sold, companies can put unlimited amounts of toxic chemicals in cosmetics." Incredibly, the FDA has no legal authority to require safety standards on cosmetic manufacturers and has only been able to ask companies to remove the chemical on a volunteer basis.
The FDA has known about 1,4-Dioxane since 1979 and has given very mild guidelines and recommendations to manufacturers that their products should not contain greater concentrations of 1,4-Dioxane than 10 ppm, or parts per million. Even with this lenient guideline, some 15% of the products tested exceeded this limit. Some of the products that contained the highest level of 1,4-Dioxane that were tested included: Clairol Herbal Essences Rainforest Flowers Shampoo, Oil of Olay Complete Body Wash with Vitamins, Johnson and Johnson's Watermelon Explosion Kid's Shampoo, Hello Kitty Bubble Bath, Disney Clean as a Bee Hair and Body Wash, and Gerber Grins and Giggles Gentle & Mild Aloe Vera Baby Shampoo.
If this is alarming to you, beware, because the list doesn't end there. Until the cosmetics industry is more regulated, consumers must exercise caution while shopping. A greater knowledge of ingredients and their effects will keep you and your families safe.
Labels: beauty, cosmetics, make up, proactiv, proactive, skin care
When it comes to choosing the correct weight lifting belt, there are a number of factors to consider. The most important thing to first determine is what reasons you have for using a weight lifting belt. There are three main reasons you would wear a weight lifting belt; you either have injured your lower back; you are engaging in heavy weight training and want to lift heavier whilst protecting your back; or you want to show your involvement in bodybuilding to all the other less serious, non-weightlifting belt wearing trainers in the gym.
If you have already injured your lower back and received advise from a professional to support your back whilst lifting, they may have suggested a product for you. Otherwise a light and relatively flexible weight lifting belt will most likely be suitable, and considering it's not something you will be investing in long-term once you recover, a Nike weightlifting belt that retails for around $30 might be what you're after.
If you are looking for a weightlifting belt for very heavy weight training, or for competitive power lifting, there are a few things to consider. What level of support do you need? Most power belts are 4"-6" wide in the back, and which size you choose should relate to how tall you are (a 6" back can be very restrictive for a shorter person) and what your power lifting organization allows in its rules. It should fit around your waist, sitting on top of your hips, and only cause discomfort when it puts pressure on your hips and only during a heavy lift. What kind of locking mechanism do you require? If you are just a heavy gym lifter, a one or two-pronged buckle will be fine, giving you the peace of mind that it's secure and generally looks a lot nicer than a quick release lever belt, like those a power lifter will probably prefer to use. A power lifter will usually prefer a lever belt because of the discomfort involved in a heavily supported one rep attempt, as well as it being easy for a training partner to tighten for them, and being able to get it much tighter than a buckle. Again, you should consult your organization's rule book before deciding. Inzer makes the most reputable power belts and they are usually under $100.
If wearing a weightlifting belt is part of your gym attire and needs to look good whilst standing up to daily moderate to heavy workouts, almost any belt that has a secure buckle and a good level of support (approx. 4") will be suitable for you, as all are developed with this function in mind.
Choose something that is comfortable and looks good, because that's what you are in the gym for after all. Some companies offer basic black, tan, and red leather weight lifting belts from about $30, or you can get mid ranged priced belts from $110.
The most fashion-focused weightlifting belt company is Katana weight lifting belts, with every fashion from pink croc-print to yellow and black snake print, their luxury weight lifting belts start at around $175.
With all of these considerations in mind, have fun choosing a new weightlifting belt from the many out there, for continued safe and strong lifting.
Labels: bodybuilding, fitness models, leather weightlifting belts, weight lifting belts, weightlifting belts
The more poker you play, the better you will become at identifying certain types of players. Though its no guarantee of complete success, once you have an understanding of how a player approaches the game, you will have gained some much-needed knowledge that will help you read their cards and win some pots. While playing, observe your opponents style and betting patterns. Things to consider: Do they play slightly recklessly by staying in longer than they should? Are they too conservative and fold immediately if they think they have a bad hand? Do they have the guts to bluff? Keep these things in mind for your own playing as well. Its good to vary your approachyou dont want your opponents to get a handle on you.
The loose poker player stays in round after round with less-than-perfect hands. In many cases, he is hoping that his hand will improve with new cards. Because he rarely folds, the loose player may win some pots, but by staying in too long, he also loses a lot of pots. After all, the word loose looks an awful
lot like lose and loser, doesnt it?
The tight casino player plays conservatively and gets out early unless he thinks he can win. Tight players rarely chase cards, and they hold on to their money until the time is right and raise bets when confident. It you adopt this style, be carefulit is wise
to mix it up just a little. By never straying from the tight style, other players will fold early when you bet, knowing that you only stay in with a good hand.
The aggressive player, like the loose player, tends to stay in but is also likely to step up the betting with raises. However, this does not necessarily mean that he or she always has a good hand; the aggressive player may simply enjoy creating some action at the poker table, or he could be bluffing. However, if he does have a good hand, look out if you stay in, it can cost you some big bucks.
Passive players are less skilled versions of tight players. They dont take risks, fold the poker hands early, are reluctant to raise, and rarely, if ever, bluff. These players may not feel fully confident of their poker skills, may have already lost some money, or may have simply not discovered the thrill of what gambling is all about.
This article will concentrate on how to descry and licking any stone at the poker table. First, I will define a rock arsenic a poker player who plays very few starting hands, yet plays aggressive when he/she make up one's minds to play a pot. I was recently playing in a NL 5 10 poker game at a local club. After about an hour, I had a pretty nice read on everybody at the table. There was one player who really stood out to me. It was a immature cat and he hardly played a hand. He sat there and as this article was created in my head that night, so was an ultimate strategy against stone players. He was not only going to be my victim that nighttime he was also going to be my guinea pig, my survey guide for how the head of a rock poker player works.
I noticed many things about this cat that were certain marks for anyone who was paying attention, that this cat was a TIGHT PLAYER. The first thing you obviously detect is that they make not play a batch of starting hands. They usually fold, in fact almost always fold up up unless they are in the blinds or have got a strong hand. The 2nd thing I noticed is that this cat kept counting and rearranging his chips every 2 secs like he was losing them or something. Like seriously man, you havent played a pot in one-half an hr why in the world are you still counting your chips they havent moved! A 3rd thing I establish while studying this cat was that he slouched every hand except for when he had a strong hand! In fact this cat was such as a stone that I would name him a automaton because he perked up everytime he establish 10 10 or up.
Now I have got to admit, this was a pretty strong NL table and there were also a couple of drunks donating. With that beingness said, I had to express joy when even the drunk cats folded every time this stone tried to come up in with a raise. That Pbs me into the adjacent subdivision of this article, how to easily manage any stone poker player once you have got identified them.
Now that you cognize what to look for in a stone we can continue on how to manage them. Like I just mentioned, I could barely assist myself from laughing at this cat every time he entered a pot. I knew he had something strong it was written all over his face. The fact is when these stones come in the pot, they have got the goods. If you see high cards on the flop, you can be pretty certain they have got got got a piece of it or already have a high pocket pair. Just fold up pre-flop. Yes Iodine said it and since it is the driblet dead only manner to play against stones Ill state it again Just fold up pre-flop. Unless you have got AA, AK-AQs, KK, or QQ you are most definitely beat. So just fold. The funniest thing about this peculiar cat was, that everyone knew it and folded pre-flop when ever he entered with a raise.
It was truly amusive as this cat got peeved and started playing dirt hands. But this is where I noticed a new state of our friend the guinea pig, he would still raise his position when holding strong hands but when he tried to flaccid in with dirt to throw us off he remained hunched over the table and his drink. At this point you just play off of the rocks tells. Youve got to retrieve that tight poker players are usually tight because they dont like losing money and they like poker to be a mechanical crunch slowly increasing their bankroll. Throw them off one or two hands and a stone turns into something their not a loose or just frustrated poker player one that you can take advantage of the remainder of the session.
To summarize up this strategy guide against stone poker players, firstly you have got to place the tight stones at your table. This tin be done by their appearance, the figure of hands they play, how they play them, and even how they stack their chips or hold themselves. Once you have got got identified them and what sort of strong hands they play, you acquire out of their manner unless you have a insurance premium manus yourself. Continue to play them like a marionette until they acquire off their game and take advantage of them the remainder of the night
I have got played billions of hands of blackjack. I started sneaking into the casinos when I was 16. I have got got played online blackjack, I have counted cards, and worked with a squad for a short while. With all that said I have got still lost a batch of money at blackjack. The casinos have got made it nearly impossible to beat the game.
I still bask the game and play on a regular basis. Over the old age I have got played a fluctuation of blackjack called "The Take it Leave it Method". You will not acquire rich with this method or beat the house, however you will have got a batch of fun. This method is based on the fact that blackjack looks to be a game of streaks. When you're hot your hot, and when your not you're NOT! So this is what Iodine do-
I play basic strategy blackjack. When I lose I wager the table lower limit on the adjacent hand. Lets state $5 . If I lose again I wager $5 again etc. Once I win I take the $5 paid to me and stake $5 again. If I win this manus I go forth the $5 paid to me and stake $10 total. If I win again I take the $10 paid to me, and if I win the adjacent manus I go forth it for a sum of $20. I maintain betting this manner "Take it Leave it etc". Once I lose I less the stake back down to $5.
I am very hard-and-fast and never "chicken out". It acquires very exciting sometimes. If you win a few hands in the row your stakes travel up very quick. Before you cognize it you are betting $100-200/ hand. I have got had great runs a few times now. I left a $5 table at the Luxor a few old age back with $750 after 45 proceedings using this method! And a few calendar months ago in Vegas Iodine left a table with $1200!
You must understand that you can lose much faster this manner too!. But it really do the game more exciting. And you will be surpised at the runs you detect playing this way. Below is a chart of what you would wager if you kept winning at a $10 table.
Bet$10 Take $10 paid to you
Bet$10 Leave $10 paid to you for a sum stake of $20
Bet$20 Take $20 paid to you
Bet$20 Leave $20 paid to you for a sum stake of $40
Bet$40 Take $40 paid to you
Bet$40 Leave $40 paid to you for a sum stake of $80
Bet$80 Take $80 paid to you
Bet$80 Leave $80 paid to you for a sum stake of $160
Bet$160 Take $160 paid to you
Bet$160 Leave $160 paid to you for a sum stake of $320
Bet$320 Take $320 paid to you
If you left at this point you would be up $630 !!
Its dificult to travel on a run this long, but it makes happen. And when it makes you must NOT pervert and less your stake or the end result won't be the same.
Have fun
All of the online poker rooms offer you the opportunity to play poker without risking a penny of your own money. You just download and install the software, open an account and then login. You don't have to give any payment details to do this. If a poker room does ask you for a credit card number, just to open an account, leave and choose another one.
When you create the account you are given a certain amount of play chips. If you lose them all you will be given more.
One of the advantages of Fun money, is that you can learn to play, without risking your own money doing so. Or if you join a new poker room you can get used to the software before you have to put hard cash on the table.
The main disadvantage you'll tend to find is that because there is no real money at risk, people generally play a lot looser than they would at a real money table. Some players will call every hand down to the river (last community card dealt in holdem), with hands that most good players would fold without question in a real money game.
That said you can get a realistic game sometimes, and for a complete beginner it is a valuable aid to learning the different games and strategies.
If you do decide to play at these tables you should try and make the play chips as important to you as you can. Don't see every flop and call everything just because other players are doing so. Try to play as you would on a real money table and accumulate chips though tight skillful play rather than pure luck. At Absolute Poker you can earn $50 of real money if you can build up 15 million play chips. Sounds impossible ? Well over one hundred players in the Absolute Poker 15 million chip Hall of Fame would probably disagree. Some of them have done it five times !
Some poker rooms also offer 'freeroll' tournaments which are free to enter but have a real cash prize.
Absolute Poker currently have a $50 freeroll every two to three hours which pays $10 to the winner and $5 to the other players who made the final table. There can be up to 2000 players in these freerolls at times so the competition is hot, but its a risk free way to get acquainted with Multi Table tournaments.
So if you want to try your hand at Poker, but don't want to loose too much money learning the game, play money could be for you.
Good luck
Freeroll poker tournaments are day-to-day events that go on on a batch of the best online poker websites. Freerolls are much loved by the poker playing community as they offer the poker players the opportunity to win some existent money without losing any. The entry to these freerolls is as the name proposes free and award money can run from a few dollars for a placing to 100s of dollars for winning the large freeroll Texas Holdem poker tournaments.
So why make the poker sites have got freerolls? Are it because of their extremely generous nature and the fact that they make huge sums of money of money so they experience a moral duty to give some of it back?
What do you think!
No of course it isnt, the ground that the large poker websites offering freerolls is to pull people to their site.
Heres the theory in a nutshell You hear that a site have a great freeroll, it bes you nil to come in and you can win $100. You believe Great! and you travel along to the site and acquire registered as a member so that you can play the freeroll. You play and complete early and are annoyed because you experience you should have got done better, or you travel close to winning and so youre looking for some more than action. What make you do? You pass some money at the site and play another poker game!
Always bank check the freerolls for cash-out requirements, you will nearly always necessitate to play some hands for existent money before they allow you take the money out. Often this is on a 1=1 basis, so if you win $20 at the freeroll poker tournament you will necessitate to have got played for $20 in existent money in order for you to be able to retreat the money.
There's no secret that poker is taking the world by storm. Businessmen, college pupils and even grandparents are taking up the game at astronomical rates. But what about the rich and famous? They too are catching the poker bug.
According to Amour Propre Carnival magazine, Leonardo Da Vinci Di Caprio and Mark Tobey Maguire spreading a monthly $10,000 buy-in "Billionaire Boys Game." The game is held at professional poker player Ronald Reagan Silber's Bel Air, calcium mansion and includes histrions Ben Affleck, Jesse Jesse James Forest and Mimi Will Will Rogers in the grouping of regulars.
Rogers, the ex-wife of histrion Uncle Tom Cruise, plays online poker for hours at a time, netting $4,000 since last March alone.
James Forest helped set up an cyberspace poker site with the purposes of providing a place for chap histrions to play head-to-head online.
Maguire, star of the film Spiderman, hosts a game at his Hollywood Hills estate requiring a lower limit $2,000 buy-in. Recent people to his place game include Brad Pitt, Erectile Dysfunction Norton and Henry Martin Robert Delaware Niro.
Affleck and vocalist Robbie Williams, amongst other celebrities, are taking portion in the European Poker Tour in Monte Carlo this approaching March.
As the world of poker goes on to grow, it should be no surprise that even the rich and celebrated demand their share of action at the tables.
So adjacent you sit down down at a freeroll tournament sponsored by No Limit Freerolls you might be sitting adjacent to a film star.
Online poker suite are practical suite where poker players can play against each other.
To play in such as a room a software system download is necessary. The software system is available for free at respective online casinos and only necessitates to be installed on the computer. That takes some proceedings only.
After sign language up players can take between merriment and existent player mode. People who pattern poker might wish choosing merriment player manner where no existent money is necessary to play but players acquire practical money.
Real players play the games for existent cash. Most poker suite give away a free mark up bonus. That agency free other money to play with. The poker suite have got a upper limit bonus players tin acquire but up to 200% like $200 other can often be found.
The artwork of the poker suite are in 3D. Virtual people are sitting on a poker table playing the games. This and the state-of-the art digital sound do multi player poker a electrifying gaming experience.
Somebody to play with tin be establish instantly as people from all around the Earth are playing 24/7. Available games is the most popular texas holdem poker, omaha and omaha hello poker, five card he-man and seven card he-man poker.
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As a beginning, Omaha player you may get confused at times as you try to ferret out the best five-card poker hand among the five community cards on the center of the table and the four private cards in your hand. But don't worry, if you can play Texas holdem, you can play Omaha too - it just takes some getting used to.
The poker games appear similar, and at first place the differences seem small:
Texas hold'em players are dealt two private cards and may use both, one, or even neither of them to form the best poker hand. But in Omaha each player is dealt four private cards and must use exactly two of them - you can't use more, nor can you use fewer than two to form the best poker hand.
Those seemingly small differences in rules and procedures cascade so dramatically through the requirements for good play that even a skilled Texas hold'em player cannot make the transition to Omaha without significant forethought.
Major adjustments in poker hands strategy and tactics, and a real appreciation for the fact that while these games are structurally similar, they are very different beasts.
That's one of the reasons for this article. You just can't read a article on Texas hold'em and interpolate your actions into good Omaha play. The games are so different that separate articles are needed. It's like the difference between driving a car and flying a small airplane. Both run on internal combustion
engines and the engines aren't all that different in principle. But just because you've been driving a car all your life doesn't mean you're ready to step into that cockpit and take off. You need a new set of skills (check out for more articles about poker games)
In Omaha/8 as in most split-pot games. there's no shortage of action, and lots of chips may be on the table. Some players vie for the best low hand,some for the best high one, and still others hope to scoop the entire pot.
Omaha, whether it's eight-or-better, high-low split or played for high only, also creates action because each player is dealt four cards rather than the two that Texas hold'em players receive. Naturally, with four cards to choose from, many players have no trouble finding hands to play. in fact, many play
most, or even all. But that's a rather slippery slope, and we hope you won't go there. At least, we hope you won't after reading this article. I-land selection is one of an Omaha player's most critical skills. Because many players involve themselves in far too many hands, they create weaknesses
for skilled players to exploit. You'll be able to exploit those weaknesses too. Well show you how a little later in the article.
If You've Never Played Before:
If you're playing Omaha high-only or Omaha/8 for the first time, but you've had some experience playing Texas hold'em. you can
expect these differences:
Omaha/S is a split-pot game. That usually means you'll find more action: more players in each pot, more chips in the center of the table, more folks going all-in on big draws. This added action is one of the game's major attractions.
Players must make their best live-card poker hands by using exactly two of their private cards and exactly three communal cards.
In Texas hold'em, the best hand can be formed using two, one, or none of your private cards. If you're playingTexas hold'em and hold the ace of hearts in your hand while the board contains
four additional hearts, you have a flush. But if all you hold is one heart among your four private.
Omaha Variations:
Omaha poker, whether played as a pot-limit game for high only or as the eight-or-better, high-low split variety the kind you'll find played in most American casinos Is a variation of Texas holdem. In Omaha, as in Texas holdem, five community cards
are dealt face up in the center of the table and are combined with the private cards in each player's hand to form the best poker hand. The games appear similar, and at first glance the differences seem small at best: Texas holdem players are dealt two private cards and may use both, one, or even neither of them to form the best poker hand. But in Omaha each player is dealt four private cards and must use exactly two of them - you can't use more, nor can you use fewer than two to form the best poker hand.
Those seemingly small differences in rules and procedures cascade so dramatically through the requirements for good play that even a skilled Texas hold'em player cannot make the transition to Omaha without significant forethought. Major
adjustments in strategy and tactics, and a real appreciation for the fact that while these games are structurally similar, they are very different beasts.
That's one of the reasons for this article. You just can't read a article on Texas hold'em and interpolate your actions into good Omaha play. The games are so different that separate articles are needed. It's like the difference between driving a car and flying a small airplane. Both run on internal combustion
engines and the engines aren't all that different in principle. But just because you've been driving a car all your life doesn't mean you're ready to step into that cockpit and take off. You need a new set of skills.
Omaha High and Low:
In Omaha/8 poker, as in most split-pot games, there's no shortage of action, and lots of chips may be on the table. Some players try for the best low hand, some for the best high one, and still others hope to scoop the entire pot. Omaha. whether it's eight-or-better, high-low split or played for high only, also creates action because each player is dealt four cards rather than the two that Texas hold'em players receive. Naturally, with four cards to choose from, many players have no trouble finding hands to play. in fact, many play most, or even all. But that's a rather slippery slope, and we hope you won't go there. At least, we hope you won't after reading this
I-land selection is one of an Omaha player's most critical skills. Because many players involve themselves in far too many hands, they create weaknesses for skilled players to exploit. You'll be able to exploit those weaknesses too. Well show you how a little later in the article.
I continue my articles about learning to master online poker at low limit stakes. In the last article I wrote about the chance of winning in a casino. So you can ask why poker is different.
In online poker you dont play against the casino, you play against other players!
Thats why your chance of winning (not losing) is so different than in the case of casino games.
Some additional thoughts: Of course the casino has its revenue on this game too, but this is not a prize rather a fix or percentage fee. You can imagine this fee like a hosting fee for the game. Live casinos used to collect hourly fees but on the internet there is the so-called rake. It means that at the end of every hand the casino gets some percentage of the prize (the pot).
Back to the point, the poker is not played against the casino it is played against other players. Thats why there is no system determined in advance against which you cannot win, the chance of winning only depends on your game play and the playing style of your opponents.
So if you want to win you have to pay attention to 2 things:
You have to play better and better.
You have to play with weaker opponents.
The first point goes without saying but lets talk about the second. What if everybody at the table plays with the same skills? Depending on the hand one will win a bit then other will win but in the long run nobody will win. The casino will collect the rake so all of them will lose. It means that you can win if the difference of the average skills of the other players and your skills is bigger than the rake. ( Because you have to pay for the rake).
How can you win then? The two extreme cases are:
You are the best poker player on the world.
You play only with someone who doesnt even know the rules.
Unfortunately none of the cases seem to achieve easy, but there is no need to. It is enough if you take into consideration them at the same time. When you are a new player try to find opponents weaker than you, and if you gets a lot of experience you can try with stronger opponents.
You can say here that it is ethical to get the money of a weaker player? Well, lets see this question from another point of view. Those who read this article want to win money in the poker. So we can see this like a business. And in the business world there are competitors. And in the business world the weak will become bankrupt. A little bit cynical? Yes. But that is what the poker about.
You can find the previous article with the following name: How to master low limit Texas Holdem part 1 - Introduction
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