Forty weeks of pregnancy can certainly cause a tidal wave of emotions when your baby finally decides she's ready to make her debut. After all, you probably spent nine months browsing the net and reading numerous books and articles in preparation for the big day. Before she arrived, you likely felt confident and ready for your new role as a mother. You were energized, confident, excited and delighted. Now, let's fast forward a few weeks. You're now miserable and crabby. Your breasts are sore, cracked and your baby doesn't seem to ever be satisfied. She is not gaining adequate weight and you have given this breastfeeding stuff a wholehearted effort. You've tried all the tricks of the trade and are still having a hard time producing enough milk to satisfy baby. You've tried MilkThistle, Fenugreek, Galactogogues and have called your lactation consultant so much that she is on your speed dial or your cell phone's Favorite Five. And, now, you're considering saying the "heck with this" and are seriously considering supplementing with formula. But, you feel so darned guilty and frustrated. Why?
You likely feel guilty because you assume that something is wrong with you. As a mother with low milk supply, you mistakenly believe that you must be doing something wrong because Mother Nature doesn't seem to be cooperating with your breastfeeding efforts. You feel frustrated because you want to give your children the best and you've been programmed to think that formula is "second best". Right?
Well, I am here to tell you that these feelings are not doing you any good. You are NOT a bad mom for needing to supplement with formula. In fact, you should be acknowledged and praised as a Super Mom who gave breastfeeding a lot of effort. One who gave it her all. Heck, in my book, you get an "A" for effort!
But, what about those guilty and melancholy feelings? How can you stop feeling guilty from not producing enough breast milk? Here are some proven tips that you can apply right now:
1. Accept that you've done everything humanly possible in order increase your milk supply and that your decision to supplement is not selfish but is truly the best thing you can do for your baby.
2. Instead of feeling guilty and frustrated, turn those negative feelings inside out. Even if you have been planning to breastfeed from day one and you had dreams of exclusively nursing for the first year, then stop feeling guilty. Guilty feelings don't help and they can't change anything.
3. Relax and enjoy your baby. Take pleasure in those small things like the way baby holds your hand or smiles when you smile at him. Enjoy being a mom and love your baby.
4. Try laying skin to skin. For instance, while you're at home alone, lay your child on your naked bosom. It's the skin on skin bond that both baby and mother crave and need.
5.Focus on the positives. Do not allow feelings of guilt or frustration to creep into your mind at all. Instead, remain positive and enjoy your precious bundle of joy.
6. Discuss your feelings with other mothers who understand what you're going through. They may be able to offer you tips and techniques for keeping those guilty feelings at bay.
You've already spent almost an entire year nurturing and helping to grow your child healthily in your womb, it's time to enjoy them on the outside now. Bottle feeding your child may not be exactly what you were expecting or hoping for, but we must accept that it's perfect for your baby and that she will thrive and grow as a result of your unselfish act of supplementing.
Labels: Breast Feeding Fenugreek
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