Fat And Obesity
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
5 Brilliant Principles for Super Effective Weight Loss

Sick of all the conflicting ideas about how to lose weight? It's no wonder most of us are still overweight, we don't even know where to begin!

Here are 5 proven method to shedding the excess fat once and for all:

#1 - Avoid processed starches and sugars

Processed starches such as white bread and refined sugars found in most "low-fat" foods contain very little nutritional value. They are loaded with empty calories which will pack on the pounds in no time.

#2 - Eat foods low on the GI scale

Most high GI foods will spike your blood sugar level, prompting your pancreas to release insulin. When insulin is released, it suppresses the hormones glucagon and growth hormone. These are the hormones that cause your body to burn fat! Check out http://www.glycemicindex.com for foods low in GI.

#3 - Eat more "healthy fats"

Increasing your intake of healthy fats will give you a boost in energy levels, improve your mood, strengthen your joints and improve your skin. And if less than 10% of your daily calories come from fats, your bodys starvation mechanism can be triggered... which is the absolute worst thing for fat loss!

#4 - Eat 4-6 times a day (no, seriously)

Many people ask me why you have to eat more regularly. The reason is simple - so your body doesn't go into starvation mode. The more often you eat, the faster your metabolism becomes. I find it absurd that this one fact is ignored by almost every fad diet plan today.

#5 - Avoid carbs at night

Eating carbs at night promotes fat storage while you sleep. Instead, replace those starchy carbs with fibrous carbs such as a green veggie salad.

There you have it, follow these five simple steps and you'll be well on your way to achieving the body of your dreams. The next step is to incorporate an exercise and strength building program that will shed those excess pounds at lightning speed, and keep the fat off for life!

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