Fat And Obesity
Friday, April 13, 2007
Quick Ways to Lose Weight

Depending on how fast you need to, there really aren't quick ways to lose weight. But there are a few things you can do to lose weight faster than you might on a regular diet. Below are the tops five things you can do to lose weight a bit faster than normal.

1. Eat. Yes that's right. There are certain foods you can eat that increase your metabolism. One of these foods is high protein meats, and dairy. The best meat for you is white turkey breast, meaning the unprocessed deli kind of course. It has high amounts of protein and low amounts of fat. Fish is also a good meat to eat that is high in protein and low in fat. Dairy helps you lose weight too. Eating as much as 3 servings a day will help you increase your metabolism, eat the lowest fat you can handle.

2. Eat More. Vegetables and Fruits also help you burn more fat faster. One of the reasons is that so many of them contain few calories. For many fruits and vegetables it actually takes your body more calories to consume them than you take in when you consume them. These are called negative calorie foods. You can have up to 10 servings of negative calorie foods a day.

3. Exercise. Raising your heart rate raises your metabolism, so exercising, especially cardio, like running, anything that gets you moving fast and sweating, will help you out. You will also want to exercise different ways on different days. You want to exercise 30-60 minutes a day if you can, and on one day do cardio and the next strengthening then back to cardio the next day. You need to give your muscles a rest in between workouts.

4. Change it up. To make sure you don't reach a plateau, where you stop losing weight and kind of just stay in one place, you will want to do different exercises. Switch it up every couple of weeks.

5. Be accountable. Have a friend or spouse who help you keep track that you are eating right, exercising and drinking enough water everyday.

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