Now, if you are fighting the battle of bulge and you really, really want to lose weight, then you might want to sit down calmly for a few minutes and list down what your "weight loss philosophy" is. How do you think anyone should go about losing weight ?
Do you feel ...
a. They should go on a crash diet, starve themselves for weeks
b. They should spend every waking hour on the treadmill and "just sweat it out"
c. Perform abdominal crunches till they are blue in the face
d. Get all the fat sucked out of their body by methods like liposuction
e. Build bulging muscles so that the increased metabolism will eat away all the fat
Or do you think the answer should be all of the above?
Well, if you are to do two or more of the things mentioned in the list above, you sure might lose some weight. But the results are not likely to last long as it would be very difficult to make such a stressful routine a part of your everyday life. It would indeed be very difficult to keep doing stuff like that and still enjoy your life.
And what happens when someone does not really enjoy something they do ? Well, chances are sooner or later they will quit and pretty soon all the weight they may have lost will be back.
Is that what your weight loss philosophy is?
Well, if that is true, you might want to read every word that follows as if they are the best words you will ever read in your life again.
The only way to lose weight and stay healthy for good is to have a healthy lifestyle - one that you really enjoy, one that fulfills you and satisfies you.
Let's repeat that again - you have to adopt a very healthy lifestyle and you have to enjoy your lifestyle with all your heart. You have to have a good time doing things that are healthy for your body.
So what is the most important thing that you have to be doing ? You HAVE to EAT RIGHT. That is all there is to it. Really. All you would have to do is ...
You have to eat ONLY fresh and natural foods that are healthy for your body - fresh fruits, raw vegetables, nuts and sprouts. You can eat them all day long. You can munch on a fruit or a vegetable whenever you feel like eating. Whenever you feel the slightest pangs of hunger. You can eat all you want to eat, just when you want to eat. No restrictions whatsoever.
And you will have to quit eating ALL junk foods, processed foods, meats, poultry, fish and all dairy products. And you will want to give up drinking soda, alcohol, beer and anything else that harms your body.
So here it is in a nutshell - eat delicious fruits and vegetables all day long, whenever you feel like eating. Feeling depressed ? Grab a fruit to eat. Feeling low ? Drink two large glasses of delicious vegetable and fruit juices. Feast on delicious fruits, vegetables, nuts and sprouts like there is no tomorrow. Eat like a glutton without the slightest guilt. These foods are good for your body.
Give up eating all kinds of junk food and processed foods, meats, poultry, all dairy products, fish and the like.
That is all there is to losing weight and staying in great shape. All you have to do it is make it your lifestyle. Your body might thank you for it in ways you would not expect.
Note : If you have some medical condition like diabetes then you might want to consult your doctor and get to know what fruits, vegetables and nuts you can eat.
Labels: burn belly fat, burn fat, flat stomach, lose weight, slim, stay in shape, tone abs, weight loss diet
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