For the most part, it is mainly men's sexual pleasure and well-being that's been tended to both by modern medicine and the {burgeoning herbal supplement industry. Luckily, a few manufacturers,researchers are meeting women's needs, and have unveiled stimulating creamslotions that not only lubricate but also boost a woman's sexual response and ability to orgasm more powerfully.
The creams work by the way of the innovative transdermal delivery system. By using both all-natural extracted ingredients and effective nutrients with natural epidermal permeation enhancers such as olive squalane, important ingredients can cross the lipid wall of the epidermis. The end result is phenomenally increased sexual sensations in a woman's body.
Some creams and 'all natural' items on the market contain ingredients that have well-recognized health hazards associated with their use; the best choice is a sexual enhancement cream that does not include severe chemicals, artificially created fragrances or color, or man-made preservatives.
The specific herbal and all-natural formula of some women's creams varies a great deal. However, it is paramount that, regardless of which product you choose, you pay attention to the details: is the vaginal cream created by professionals or naturopaths who have experience in helping women create optimum reproductive and sexual well-being? Are there clinically researched or documented findings of science professionals and herbal experts? How have they specific natural ingredients for clitoral arousal, erection and sensitivity? One product we that {meets the criteria for a impressive women's cream is Vigorelle. The makers of Vigorelle have created a recipe with ingredients blended in the most effective ratios to improve all sexual arousal. Vigorelle have created the circumstances for a woman to obtain orgasm, and have introduced ground-breaking technology in L-Arginine HCL, which is responsible for quick, effective assimilation of key all-natural ingredients into the female lymphatic system. Vigorelle also {contains strong antioxidants such as Vitamin A and C for optimum nutritional health.
Here are a partial list of the ingredients in an effective women's topical cream (like Vigorelle), in addition to their effects in the body:
Damiana Leaf - Folium Turneraceae This Herb is from the subtropics that fights frequent reduction of sexual energy. Damiana has a reputation as a strong woman's herb with its progesteronic action and powerful aphrodisiac properties. Damiana functions as a tonic to the urinary, reproductive, digestive, respiratory, and central nervous systems. Damiana can be useful in the treatment of vaginal dryness.
Suma Root - Radix Pfaffiae Paniculatae The Suma root contains an amazing 152 identified compounds containing the nutritional equivalent of 19 amino acids and a plethora of minerals and vitamins. Suma root is an excellent innate immune enhancer, neuroendocrine restorative, metabolic regulator, and antioxidant. Suma root increases estrogens and androgens, and also restores the endocrine and immune systems.
Motherwort - Herba Leonori Motherwort is a well known as a true woman's remedy. This amazing herb is an uterine tonic that has in it, alkaloids with the ability or 'skill' to create uterine contraction. Motherwort is often used to release tension caused by mental and emotional stress.
Wild Yam - Rhizoma Dioscorea Villosae Wild Yam is also called Colic Root or Mexican Wild Yam. Wild Yam balances human hormone production, enhances a woman's sexual energy. Wild Yam also contains diosgenin, a steroid-like element that has been used in relatively small amounts in its naturally occurring form, heightens fertility.
Ginkgo Biloba Increases moisture retention in the epidermis, and soothes irritation. Improves circulation and vasodilation. Ginkgo that is useful against free radicals, substances that tend to damage your overall cellular health and accelerate the aging process from both internal and environmental toxins. Gingko leaf is one of the best herbs available for increasing blood flow and oxygenation all over the body.
Peppermint Leaf - Folium Menthae Piperitae Peppermint Leaf helps in the absorption of additional substances through the membranes of the cell, induces natural lubrication, stimulates the mind, elevates the mood and relaxes a anxiety-ridden, tension-filled nervous system.
As you search for the optimal women's cream, look for a smooth topical cream (a sign of quality) packaged in a vacuum sealed pump dispenser (another sign of quality) by an FDA approved facility with GMP (good manufacturing practices) certification. You should also consider for these signs of quality:
Made for women who are chemically sensitive and/or health conscious.
Includes no petrochemical byproducts, artificial fragrances, colors, and flavors.
No propylene glycol and metha or proply paraben.
Condom compatible.
H2O based.
pH Balanced.
Edible non-toxic pleasant flavor.
Formula that addresses woman's varying needs.
Simple to use pump dispenser.
Can be easily reactivated by water or body fluids.
Simple to wash off.
Whether you're a woman buying the product for for a friend, or a man obtaining it for a partner, wife or girlfriend, always insist on the best, product of highest quality. What that means is accepting only that quality (most importantly organic) all herbal ingredients are slighlty more expensive. Once you sample the satisfying benefits of these products we're sure you will agree; it's worth it! If, by chance, you're unsure of which cream to try, we recommend Vigorelle for both its performance and the company's customer service.
Labels: vaginal stimulant, vaginal stimulant cream, vigorelle
To say we live in fast-paced times is a vast understatement. Modern communication and transportation technology have for better or worse made us impatient creatures. And a lack of patience may be the major stumbling block in your weight reduction efforts.
Hypnosis has become popular as a self-help tool in part because the results are often rapid when compared to other forms of assistance that may take months or even years before tangible results are noticed.
Let's pretend that Uncle Tony goes to the Certified Hypnotist in his community to help him end the smoking habit that he started 30 years ago when he was in the Navy. Highly motivated and very responsive to hypnosis, Uncle Tony finds it amazingly easy to end his cigarette habit. He has his desired outcome in a very short period of time. He walks out of the office as a non-smoker!
Now Aunt Polly has come in for weight management. Her goal is to shed the excess 70 pounds of which she is tired of carrying around. She too is highly motivated and responsive to hypnosis. During the course of 4 weeks she cuts back dramatically on unnecessary eating and has begun daily walks as well. The end result: during the first month she has dropped 7 pounds. Although many would say that was excellent progress, Aunt Polly is unimpressed. All that effort and she is still 63 pounds overweight! Unlike Uncle Tony, who got his results in a seeming blink of an eye, she doesn't even feel like she's close.
And here is the dilemma for anyone who is looking to drop a significant amount of weight instantly: you can't . Yes, you can change attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and behaviors in a rapid fashion, however the body is subject to the laws and limitations of the physical world.
Best evidence states that a motivated individual complying with a well-designed weight reduction program can expect to reduce his or body mass by 9-15% in the course of a year. Getting back to Aunt Polly, who is starting out at 230 pounds and hopes to reach 160, it can be predicted that if she does her part she will reduce by anywhere between 20-35 pounds in one year, bringing her about half way to where she wants to be.
You can fully appreciate her frustration, however success in any regard usually goes to the person who deals with things as they really are, not how they want them to be.
So does this mean Aunt Polly is a lost cause? No, she does have a fighting chance if an addition to accepting suggestions about improved eating and exercise behaviors, she also takes on the mindset that she is in this for the long haul.
A mental trick she can also use is translating her progress from pounds to percentages. Those 7 pounds she shed in the first month signify that she has achieved the first 10% of her stated outcome. Sounds a little better when put that way.
Labels: hypnotherapy weight control, lose weight with hypnosis, weight loss motivatio
How many times have you decided that another diet did not work? Was it the diet that did not work or your self-discipline that failed? Just about any diet will eliminate those unwanted pounds, when you learn to use your self-discipline.
Everyone has self-discipline to one degree or another. If you are not fit, you simply need to learn to use your self-discipline.
Prior to joining a health club in 1987, I was very undisciplined in every area of my life. For example, in the middle of a freezing North Dakota winter, I received a utility company notice that my power would be shut off immediately since I had not paid my bill.
Of course I had not paid my bill, I could not find it. Because I did not want to freeze, I quickly paid the bill. I realized being undisciplined and procrastinating was not a good lifestyle.
Because of my undeveloped self-discipline, I took 5 years to get my 4-year degree. I just did not bother to exert myself. Developing self-discipline requires energy. Energy comes from exercising. Once I began exercising in March 1987, my energy level steadily increased. I began to realize that I was in control of my life.
Self-discipline is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Conversely, the less you use your self-discipline, the weaker it gets.
The first step to developing self-discipline is simply understanding this: you CAN develop extreme self-discipline! Get the notion out of your head that you do not have self-discipline.
The second step to developing self-discipline is to set up your environment for success. Toss all your trigger foods. How do you expect to be successful at weight loss when you are constantly tempted by those tasty, crunchy foods in your pantry? It is much easier to say no once at the grocery store than have to say no hundreds of times daily to those same snacks.
Replace all fat-promoting foods with fit-promoting quality foods. In Lose the Lies Lose the Weight,, I provide extensive lists of fat-promoting versus fit-promoting foods which will teach you exactly how to eat for weight loss success.
Finally, join a health club. Gaining control of your discipline requires energy. Energy comes from regular physical activity, not channel or Internet surfing. Exercise eliminated my procrastination and lack of self-discipline.
After I began exercising in March 1987, everything in my life changed. I no longer had to take several naps every day. I began to get things done. I quickly completed my college degree. I wrote Step by Step Phonics, competed in natural bodybuilding competitions (and won), ran 5 K's, got in shape after two kids, started a business, wrote Lose the Lies Lose the Weight, and had the energy to accomplish every goal I set.
Do you realize, my friend, the amount of energy and talents that you haven't tapped into because you have not utilized your self-discipline? What you can accomplish will amaze you once you simply use your self-discipline.
What are you waiting for? You have things to do. Accept that you can and will develop self-discipline. Second, eliminate all those fat-promoting foods. Read Lose the Lies Lose the Weight, if you need motivation. Finally, join a health club. Once you take these action steps, you will create the life and fitness results that you desire. Take control of your life today.
Labels: diet, exercising, laurie bell, lose weight, self discipline, weight loss
Laparoscopic obesity surgery is not a new term in weight loss, as a matter of fact you have probably heard quite a bit about it. Most people use it for many related forms of weight loss surgical procedures.
In the last five years a great number of individuals have taken advantage of laparoscopic obesity surgery, including many movie stars, and most are extremely happy by this way of losing weight.
Still, before you decide that it is the suitable way for you to start losing weight, you must take into account the good and the bad segment of it. Although laparoscopic obesity surgery is a outstanding way for losing excess pounds, it was conceived to be above all utilized to handle those that are considered morbidly obese.
Since there are major dangers of having this type of surgical procedure, laparoscopic obesity surgery is decided upon only when the dangers of surgical procedure are decreased by the dangers of health that the individual is presently facing.
In case that you are thinking about this type of surgical procedure for losing weight, you are going to generally need to suffer from medical troubles that are instigated or made worse by being obese.
For illustration, it could be troubles in which diabetes has worsened or blood pressure has increased a lot. By losing the excess weight that your body is lugging around, with the help of laparoscopic obesity surgery or without it, you should be better able of setting in reverse or slow down the growth of medical troubles similar to these.
One thing you must also understand is that gastric bypass has to do more with preserving your life then improving your look.
Lots of people know that weight loss with any system is exceptionally challenging and provides a small amount of immediate gratification. It is extremely hard to lose just a couple of pounds, without even mentioning the amount that most people with obesity problem thinking about gastric bypass would be smart to lose.
With laparoscopic obesity surgery, the body truly loses weight fast, basically because you can not consume as much as you used to be capable of.
In order to offer you these beneficial health effects, gastric bypass in point of fact, breaks apart your stomach in half. By separating your stomach into 2 sections, the lesser of which is positioned by the doctor at the top, the individual will feel faster appetite satisfaction, and will eat only small quantities of food.
This is the result of the stomach, after the laparoscopic obesity surgery being considerably smaller. Most of those that have used gastric bypass are going to eat more meals smaller in size instead of a one or two larger meals.
If you have struggled to lose before but failed, with the help of laparoscopic obesity surgery you are going to actually lose a sizable amount of weight.
Labels: gastric bypass, lap band surgery, laparoscopic obesity surgery, weight loss surgery
Does your metabolism need a boost? Some of the most common side effects of a slow metabolism are tiredness and excess weight and although they might be the effects they are also the cause. The more fat you have in your body the slower your metabolism and the more energy you have the higher your metabolism. This is an ongoing cycle that either spirals upwards or downwards. The real question then is which way are you spiraling? Apart from all the potions and pills on the market there are natural metabolism boosters that can greatly increase your metabolism. In fact, the artificial pills and potions rarely work effectively over time.
Metabolism is nothing but the natural process through your body converts food into the energy needed to maintain itself. An increase in metabolism means an increase in the rate at which your body converts food into energy and consequently less food that gets stored as fat. With a high metabolism you will also start to burn off excess fat that is stored, but the key is to understand a simple concept.
You can only lose weight by either increasing the demand for calories through exercise or by decreasing the supply i.e the food that you consume. Although there are several foods like fresh fruits and vegetables that act as natural metabolism boosters, there is something more fundamental than food.
The two most vital ingredients in any process in your body are oxygen and water. You can barely go a day without water and not even more than a couple of minutes without oxygen. When the metabolic process occurs in your body, oxygen is one of the vital components for this reaction to take place. By being properly oxygenated, you keep your body's oxygen levels high and your metabolism stays at an optimum level.
When you exercise, for instance, you increase your body oxygen intake and consequently you increase your metabolism. Most of us have become accustomed to shallow breathing, but by deliberately breathing properly you can oxygenating your system. Proper breathing happens in the lower area of your lungs where your oxygen capacity is highest. A deep breath should be in your diaphragm – just watch a sleeping baby breathe and you will know how 'natural breathing occurs.
Deliberate breathing is a highly effective natural metabolism booster. Here is a simple breathing technique that will help you raise your metabolism:
You should breathe in the following ratio 1:4:2 (Inhale through your nose exhale through your mouth.)
Inhale for 1 count
Hold for 4 counts
Exhale for 2 counts
If you inhale for 3 seconds, you would hold for 12 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds. You exhale twice as long as you inhale because that is when you eliminate toxins from your body via the lymphatic system. When you hold you can fully oxygenate your system and allow oxygen exchange.
You must stop and take at least 10 deep breaths a minimum of 3 times a day.
Even when you stop and do these 10 deep breaths you will 'feel' a surge of energy go through your body. This is because you are allowing more energy to be released and as you continue to use this simple exercise you can start to change your habitual breathing patterns which for most people are quite shallow.
Equally important to your body's metabolism is water. 90% of your body is water and when it comes to metabolism water is probably the most important component. Water is a means of 'transport' in your body and is responsible for getting the right stuff to the right places. Even more importantly though is water's function as a natural solvent. All nutrients and toxins dissolve into water to be transported and either used or eliminated.
By drinking plenty of water and breathing properly you can greatly increase your metabolism. In fact, these two natural metabolism boosters will probably increase your metabolism more than anything else.
Labels: increase metabolism, natural metabolism boosters, raise metabolism
In the recent years you have probably heard quite a bit gastric bypass information, the term itself actually illustrates a number of related manners of weight loss surgery. A lot of individuals who have benefited from this weight loss method, together with stars, are very pleased by this weight loss method.
But, before you decide that it is the suitable system for you to start your weight loss, you must take into consideration the beneficial and the not so beneficial segment of it and review all the gastric bypass information you can find. Though it is a superb method for losing weight, it ought to be primarily applied to deal with individuals that are judged by doctors to be morbidly obese.
As there are sincere dangers of having this kind of surgery, gastric bypass is decided upon when the dangers of surgery are lessened by the dangers of health that the person is facing at the present time. In case that you are considering this manner of surgery for weight loss, you are going to generally need to be diagnosed with health troubles that are instigated or made worse by having too much weight.
For instance, it could be troubles in which diabetes has gotten worse or blood pressure is much too high.
By losing the excess pounds that your body is lugging around, owing it to gastric bypass or not, you will be more capable of turning around or slowing the growth of health troubles like these.
To provide you these positive health effects, gastric bypass effectively, separates your stomach in two. By partitioning your stomach into 2 pieces, the lesser of the two is at the top, the patient will feel fuller faster, and will eat only tiny quantities of food. This will happen as the product of the stomach, after the operation being significantly smaller.
One thing you should also realize is that gastric bypass has to do more with protecting your health then improving the way that you look. Numerous overweight people soon become aware that losing weight with any system is very demanding and presents almost no fast satisfaction. It is very difficult to drop even a few pounds, not to mention the amount that most overweight people taking into consideration gastric bypass should lose. By way of this weight loss method, the body really does lose weight fast, basically for the reason that you are incapable to eat as large servings as you used to.
Nearly all of the people that have undergone gastric bypass are going to eat more tiny meals as a substitute for a few larger meals.
By gathering as much gastric bypass information before deciding whether it is right for you or not, you will significantly speed up your weight loss and you are going to really lose a substantial amount of excess pounds.
So in the end, if you have attempted to drop a significant number of pounds with other techniques and was unable to succeed, gastric bypass might just be the answer to all your weight problems.
Labels: bariatric surgery, gastric bypass information, lap band surgery, weight loss surgery
Endometriosis back pain is one of the most common forms of discomfort experienced by endometriosis sufferers before and during menstruation.
It can be severe and debilitating, leaving some women incapacitated.
Back pain associated with endometriosis usually starts about two days before and menstruation and can last throughout the length of the period, although the time scale and severity of pain can differ wildly from person to person.
It is not uncommon for back pain to worsen over the years. This can be pretty alarming and lead the patient and their doctor to assume that the pain is related to a muscular-skeletal problem rather than endometriosis.
For most sufferers the aching starts in the lower back. In most cases involving the patient experience aching in the lower back that can travel down through the buttocks and into the top of the thigh.
This pain can often be sciatica and totally unrelated to Endo. When back pains become sciatic, the patient usually has limited mobility, as they are not able to easily or comfortably move, and often the movement in one or both of her legs are impaired.
Once any other reasons for the back pain have been ruled out, and the link to endometriosis established, the symptoms should improve with the various endometriosis treatments that are available.
How to relieve back pain related to endometriosis
The initial treatment during the early onset of back pain can be to take pain relievers. Usually this will provide relief from mild to moderate back pain as the anti-inflammatory medications get to work. However, the effects can soon wear off.
If you have back pain as a symptom of endometriosis it will generally be a recurring symptom, so the best treatment would be to treat the source of your problem, the endometriosis itself.
Firstly, consult your doctor. There are many medications, which help control endometriosis symptoms.
Birth control pills are effective at regulating the estrogen levels in the blood, which prevent the build up of endometrial tissue each month. These are a particularly good option for endo sufferers who are looking contraception as well.
Hormone regulating treatment is also available, as well as surgical operations that would involve removal of endometrial tissues and adhesions.
For more natural approaches to back pain caused by endometriosis you could try acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that aims to rebalance the body and remove any blockages in our system.
Ensure that you find a practitioner who has dealt with endometriosis sufferers before and don't to forget to mention your back pain as a symptom during the initial consultation.
Acupuncture sessions are tailored to the individual so your treatment plan will be specific to you.
For more information on treating the endometriosis naturally sign up for the free Endometriosis newsletter below.
Endometriosis back pain can be serious and impact on your quality of life. Trying new treatment or seeking out complimentary remedies to the medication you are taking could provide the relief you are after.
Labels: Endometriosis Back Pain, endometriosis symptoms, endometriosis treatment
Many people who are struggling with weight issues ask about hoodia gordonii effects so that they can decide whether to use this weight loss pill or not. Hoodia weight loss pills have become very prominent in helping people lose weight. Many people have succeeded in losing weight using hoodia weight loss diets. It is important to assess the key features of Hoodia and establish what makes it effective in helping people lose weight. What are the hoodia gordonii effects? Is there any "hoodia gordonii danger" if used over a long time frame? Read on!
Firstly, let's define hoodia. Hoodia is a cactus-like plant that naturally grows in the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa. This plant was used by the Bushmen in Africa to suppress hunger and thirst when food was limited and when they go on long hunting trips.
The hoodia gordonii natural appetite suppressant has been used by the inhabitants of the Kalahari Desert for many centuries. This in itself indicates that anyone wanting to lose weight can use hoodia weight loss diet pill over a long timeframe with no side effects. All authentic hoodia pills which are derived from "hoodia gordonii succulent" are natural and therefore do not contain any artificial ingredients.
Today there are many diet pills on the market, promising to help people lose weight. Some of these weight loss products are not made from natural products and can have harmful impact on those who use them. The main advantage of hoodia is that it's a natural product with no harmful effects to the body. Reports seem to indicate that many people have used hoodia gordonii capsules with no side effects, and have shared their success stories. Hoodia gordonii effects on those who use them are positive, resulting in healthy and safe weight loss.
As you know - how much you eat, what you eat, and the levels of physical activity that you engage in influence your weight. Inability to control one's appetite and overeating are the main reasons why many people fail to lose weight. Hoodia weight loss diet pill therefore makes it easy for anyone to lose weight because you don't feel hungry and you will consequently eat less. This will reduce your calories intake which means you will be storing less fat into your body.
There are many different types of Hoodia weight loss pills on the market. Before you purchase any weight loss pill, it is important that you read the reviews and choose the most recommended ones. All genuine hoodia weight loss products are safe and effective, and you need to look for the ones that have many positive reviews.
The common advice for those dieters who are intending to use the hoodia gordonii natural appetite suppressant is that they must drink a lot of water while taking the pills to keep their bodies hydrated. If you have any major medical conditions that you think my affect your dieting plan, you must first discuss this with your doctor before you starting taking any dieting pill.
To achieve even more amazing results while using hoodia weight loss pills, you must also start to eat healthy foods and start a regular exercising regime and follow it constantly. Following an active lifestyle with healthy eating habits in addition to using hoodia diet pills will ensure that you will be able to lose weight, discover your slimmer and more attractive body and keep that weight off for good. Hoodia gordonii effects to dieters are positive, and many people have successfully lost weight using hoodia weight loss pills.
Labels: buy hoodoa gordonii online, hoodia gordonii effects, hoodia gordonii natural appetite suppressant
Childhood obesity is an increasingly difficult problem. Action, if taken early, can change the outcome for obese children or even prevent it happening in the first place. An appropriate exercise problem is one tool that can alter the outcome for such children
When we talk about exercise routines for children we must not get them confused with the strict routines that adults follow. Children's exercise routines should be fun, flexible and enjoyable, not the three or four gym visits per week type routines. As children are still growing, certain types of exercise may be harmful to them at a younger age. You can however incorporate aerobic exercises, strength building exercises and activities to improve flexibility into your child's routines to build overall fitness.
The following is fact ...
Being overweight as a child can also cause psychological distress. Teasing about their appearance affects a child's confidence and self-esteem and can lead to isolation and depression
As well as encouraging your child to exercise you should also try to limit their inactivity. For example, set limits on the amount of TV your child watches and the length of time they play on video games. The amount of time children spend doing these types of activities has increased dramatically in recent years. Instead of them sitting around, try to ensure that your child is involved in play that is physically active.
Did you know ...?
Obesity is rising among children. In the past ten years it has doubled in six-year-olds (to 8.5 per cent) and trebled among 15-year-olds (to 15 per cent)
Exercise helps to regulate body fat so your child will be less likely to become overweight. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels may also be lowered and they are at a lesser risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Your child will also develop a leaner physique with stronger muscles and bones. Being physically fit and active also helps to improve your child's sleeping habits and their mental agility in day to day tasks.
While most children are pretty flexible anyway, it is a good idea to incorporate some bending and stretching exercises into their routine. These types of exercise help to improve your child's flexibility and their overall range of motion. What this means is that they can bend and stretch their muscles and joints without experiencing any difficulty or pain. There are some great exercises to improve your child's agility:
Side stretches, touching your toes.
Yoga, Pilates.
Martial arts.
Labels: child obesity, childhood obesity, fat, lose weight. obesity, obesity, ov, weight control, weight loss
Much has been said about the Nutritional Facts Label that comes on every single item of food that you can find in the grocery store. People read this nutritional label for so many different reasons. Maybe you are comparing one food to another, or perhaps you are looking to lower your sodium, or total fat grams and you want to know what the daily value of everything you are putting in your mouth. Whatever the reason is, the nutritional facts label has become the standard of knowing what you eat.
The nutritional data is listed very clearly for you on the back of each can, box, bottle, or package. Each label is based on a 2000 calorie diet, as is the daily value (%DV). Included on each label are the following nutritional facts:
• The Serving Size – Standardized to help compare foods, it influences how many calories and nutrients are in each item of food. Always know how many serving sizes you are consuming as compared to what is in the entire package.
• Calories and Calories From Fat – These provide the measure of how much energy you are getting from each serving size. If you are looking to lose weight, the lower the calories the better for you.
• The Nutrients – You should separate these into 2 main groups, what to limit, and what to add more of. Nutrients to limit are the Fat, Cholesterol, and Sodium and the nutrients to at least get enough of are Fiber, Calcium, Iron, and Vitamins A and C.
• The Footnote – It will tell you if the percentage is based on a 2000 calorie diet, or in some cases a 2,500 calorie diet.
• The Percentage Daily Value – These are the daily recommendations based on a 2,000 calorie diet according to the FDA. It helps to determine if you are eating too much, or just the right amount of your daily intake of each of these items.
For weight loss in particular you really need to take the time to study each nutritional label to find out if what you are eating is in direct proportion to the number of calories, fat, or nutrients that you need to take in. There should be no second guessing in what you are eating because you have it all right in front of you.
Even when eating out you can still check the nutritional facts through the website HungerAway on their Nutritional Database. They list over 90,000 foods that you can type into the search box to know exactly what you are taking into your body. That way, if you must stop by one of the many fast food places you can compare what is in a cheeseburger versus one of the many salad options that fast food restaurants now offer. It is a simple way to make eating out easier without having the guilt that sometimes follows a dinner out.
The nutritional database at HungerAway is excellent for everyday items as well, so before you actually get to the grocery store you should take the time to make a list that includes the healthiest foods you find. When you have a list of healthier foods, it helps you to not stray into the unhealthy food aisle. With the help of the nutritional database and the nutritional fact labels, you should be taking off those pounds in no time.
Labels: 100% vegetarian capsule, hoodia, Hoodia Diet, hoodia gordonii, HungerAway
Hoodia Gordonii is considered to be a weight loss "wonder plant" by the world for over the last 3 decades. This plant, which belongs to the Asclepiadaceae Family and the Trichocaulon Genus, has the unique property of making people who eat it feel full, even when taken with the least intake of food.
This unique property has led to the successive research studies on extracting the active component of the plant and developing it into the world's safest weight loss/diet supplement.
What makes Hoodia Gordonii different from other diet pills is that it's 100% natural, and is made from the Hoodia Gordonii plant, a succulent which grows only in Namibia, South Africa.
This plant has been proven to be safe for consumption, by the indigeous San people. These native tribesmen have been eating the stem of the plant for more than twenty-five thousand years, to treat indigestion and minor infections.
Hoodia Gordonii Is An Appetite Suppressant
Moreover, these plants has served as their food whenever they go on long hunting expeditions. A spokesman for the San Tribesmen said that one stem is all you need for the day, and you'll never go hungry for food nor thirsty for water.
Hoodia Gordonii is a succulent, a plant which keeps water within their stems like cacti and other kinds of plants. Hoodia has 13 known species, and is widespread over South Africa. Out of these 13 species, only Hoodia Gordonii has been found to possess this unique appetite suppressing property.
Common diet pills have two modes of action. The pills either suppress your hunger, or increase your metabolism. Either way is harmful to the body. This is why people get sick from taking diet pills, even on a regular basis.
Hoodia Gordonii pills are made from the extracts of the Hoodia Gordonii plant. The results of more than 30 years of research, from the time the plant was discovered, up to the stages of commercialization has shown that the appetite suppressing activity is caused by the molecule that has come to be known as P57.
How Hoodia Gordonii Pills Work
This molecule acts directly on the part of the brain called the Hypothalamus. This molecule tricks the brain into thinking that you have already eaten. Unconsciously, the effect of this molecule is a lessened craving for food, which leads to longer periods between mealtimes, meaning lesser food taken per day.
The principle is simple. If you eat less than you normally do, then eventually you'll lose weight. People generally try to do this whenever they go on diets but they find hard to sustain them because of hunger pains. The Hoodia Gordonii plant has been used by the Native Sans people to treat all kinds of stomach disorders, including hunger pains. In effect, Hoodia Gordonii pills make dieting easier and painless.
Labels: hoodia, hoodia gordonii, lose weight, weight loss
Depending on how fast you need to, there really aren't quick ways to lose weight. But there are a few things you can do to lose weight faster than you might on a regular diet. Below are the tops five things you can do to lose weight a bit faster than normal.
1. Eat. Yes that's right. There are certain foods you can eat that increase your metabolism. One of these foods is high protein meats, and dairy. The best meat for you is white turkey breast, meaning the unprocessed deli kind of course. It has high amounts of protein and low amounts of fat. Fish is also a good meat to eat that is high in protein and low in fat. Dairy helps you lose weight too. Eating as much as 3 servings a day will help you increase your metabolism, eat the lowest fat you can handle.
2. Eat More. Vegetables and Fruits also help you burn more fat faster. One of the reasons is that so many of them contain few calories. For many fruits and vegetables it actually takes your body more calories to consume them than you take in when you consume them. These are called negative calorie foods. You can have up to 10 servings of negative calorie foods a day.
3. Exercise. Raising your heart rate raises your metabolism, so exercising, especially cardio, like running, anything that gets you moving fast and sweating, will help you out. You will also want to exercise different ways on different days. You want to exercise 30-60 minutes a day if you can, and on one day do cardio and the next strengthening then back to cardio the next day. You need to give your muscles a rest in between workouts.
4. Change it up. To make sure you don't reach a plateau, where you stop losing weight and kind of just stay in one place, you will want to do different exercises. Switch it up every couple of weeks.
5. Be accountable. Have a friend or spouse who help you keep track that you are eating right, exercising and drinking enough water everyday.
Labels: burn fat, feed muscle, lose weight, quick ways to lose weight
First, put the crunches on the back burner.
Doing endless amounts of crunches and sit-ups is not going to do anything for shedding fat from your waistline. Sure they will strengthen the rectus abdominis muscles (6-pack muscles, which is really an 8-pack) but they will do little, if anything, to bring those abdominals to the forefront of the layers of fat around your midsection.
Understand that what separates your muscles from your skin (and thus there visibility) is a layer of subcutaneous fat. In some people, this layer of fat is more pronounced than in others. Ultimately, to see any definition in your waist (or any other part of the body for that matter) you must ultimately strive to reduce your body fat.
Men will begin to see their 8-pack abdominal muscle once their percent body fat reaches below 10% or so. In women, body fat percentages in the 17-20% range will be conducive to seeing greater tone and definition.
Second, use more full-body functional movements
By training movements, not just muscles, you will engage more musculature. When more muscle is involved in a given movement, you will burn more calories since more working muscles = more demanding work = more oxygen needed = more calories burned!
As such, incorporating full-body (or compound) movements is the most effective way to activate more muscle and thus burn more calories. Performing these types of exercises will also provide greater activation and stimulation of your muscles. Remember, the goal of any fat loss regime is to burn as many calories as possible during your workout (forget about the 'fat zone' and 'cardio zone').
Examples of full-body functional exercises include:
• Squats with Shoulder Press
• Lunge Walks with Medicine Ball Choas
• Step-ups with Lateral Raises
• Push-ups with Knee Roll-ins (on stability ball)
• Wall sits with Ball Squeeze and Lateral Raises
Third, interval and circuit train your butt off!
Now, using these movements, perform them in a circuit like fashion. By limiting the amount of rest you give yourself between exercises and sets you will not allow your body to fully recover and thus burn more calories throughout your workout.
When doing your cardio workouts, opt for interval training more so than long duration - low intensity training. By repeatedly performing bouts of high intensity with bouts of lower intensity (eg. intervals), such as a sprint - jog combination, you allow your body to work at higher intensities for longer durations of time. End result - you burn more calories!
Once you've lowered your body fat and lost some weight around your waist, then you can start focusing more on building your abs.
If you want the most efficient and cost effective method of trimming your waistline, then learn more about Fitter U. Now you can have a trainer on your mp3 player taking you through you workouts and making sure you hit your ultimate fitness goals!
Labels: 6 pack abs, burn calories, exercise, lose weight, trim waistline, weight loss, work out
Sick of all the conflicting ideas about how to lose weight? It's no wonder most of us are still overweight, we don't even know where to begin!
Here are 5 proven method to shedding the excess fat once and for all:
#1 - Avoid processed starches and sugars
Processed starches such as white bread and refined sugars found in most "low-fat" foods contain very little nutritional value. They are loaded with empty calories which will pack on the pounds in no time.
#2 - Eat foods low on the GI scale
Most high GI foods will spike your blood sugar level, prompting your pancreas to release insulin. When insulin is released, it suppresses the hormones glucagon and growth hormone. These are the hormones that cause your body to burn fat! Check out for foods low in GI.
#3 - Eat more "healthy fats"
Increasing your intake of healthy fats will give you a boost in energy levels, improve your mood, strengthen your joints and improve your skin. And if less than 10% of your daily calories come from fats, your bodys starvation mechanism can be triggered... which is the absolute worst thing for fat loss!
#4 - Eat 4-6 times a day (no, seriously)
Many people ask me why you have to eat more regularly. The reason is simple - so your body doesn't go into starvation mode. The more often you eat, the faster your metabolism becomes. I find it absurd that this one fact is ignored by almost every fad diet plan today.
#5 - Avoid carbs at night
Eating carbs at night promotes fat storage while you sleep. Instead, replace those starchy carbs with fibrous carbs such as a green veggie salad.
There you have it, follow these five simple steps and you'll be well on your way to achieving the body of your dreams. The next step is to incorporate an exercise and strength building program that will shed those excess pounds at lightning speed, and keep the fat off for life!
Labels: burn fat, lose fat, lose weight, obese, obesity, weight loss
With growing age, and especially when one crosses the age bracket of 40, one can see many changes in the body. Comparing both the sexes, a female body undergoes more drastic changes than a male body. An age above 40 lands her in a stage called menopause. And menopause doest not come alone. It comes with various things in hand. Its impact on the woman's blood pressure cannot be ignored.
With the onset of menopause the blood pressure of a woman goes on a little higher than the normal. Generally, a woman has a diastolic and systolic pressure that is a slightly lower than that of what is present in men. But after menopause, the systolic pressure increases by around 5 mm Hg, on an average. A higher and uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to several other diseases and disorders in life. Therefore it becomes important to control the rising blood pressure levels and lead a healthy life.
But to maintain normal blood pressure, it is important to first understand the reasons because of which this rise is seen. There are many reasons that contribute to the rising blood pressure during menopause. The main cause is the hormonal changes that occur in the body of the woman after she encounters menopause. The other factors include weight gain with age and an increased salt sensitivity of the body. Various lifestyle changes also contribute actively in this cause.
But, there is nothing much to worry about. There are certain guidelines which when followed can considerably help you lower down your blood pressure. These guidelines will on the whole direct you to single path, which is involvement of various lifestyle changes.
Blood pressure has a direct relationship between the sodium intakes in your food. The richest source of sodium in whatever we eat is salt, besides miniscule of it is present in the rest of the foodstuffs we consume. Therefore considerably reducing amount of sodium intake in your meals will help you achieve and maintain a normal blood pressure.
With this, follow a good exercising pattern on a regular basis. It will greatly help you in maintaining normal blood pressure during menopause.
Also try to include more of fresh fruits in your diet. Besides, at the time of menopause, women should avoid binging on alcohol and smoking. But there are some types of menopause blood pressure-related problems that will require more than just lifestyle changes.
At times, to bring blood pressure on normal terms, several medications are required. Generally a medical professional will advice you to consume several forms of diuretics in order to correct the rising blood pressure. The reason being, that, with the onset of menopause, some women show tendency of fluid retention in the body. As a result of which they gain weight and have swelling in the body. Diuretics on the other hand reduce the water retention in the body and thus maintain a normal blood pressure.
There is no problem in the world that is solution-less. All you need to do is to be a little alert and a healthy body and healthy life awaits you.
Labels: blood pressure diet, blood pressure monitor, high blood pressure
Dieting works. The truth is that controlling the amount and or type of food consumed does often lead to weight loss. So in essence dieting works—it leads to weight loss.
It does not seem to matter much which diet is chosen. And there is a huge array of diets to choose from. What matters is that you stick to the restrictions of the diet. If you stick to the diet, chances are good that you will lose weight.
It is also true, more 90% of the time, dieters find the excess weight quickly returns once they stop dieting. This is not particularly good news.
Who wants to be on a never-ending diet? Most people end up feeling deprived in one way or another. Either they cannot have the foods they crave and love, or they cannot eat when or how much they want. It is these feelings of being restricted and deprived that lead many to abandon their diets.
When it comes to eating habits, people are reluctant to change. They may realize that they are eating too much or eating the wrong foods, but they procrastinate doing anything about it. Their motto is tomorrow I will start eating better and taking care of myself.
Until suddenly it is only three months or worse yet one month until the wedding, reunion, or other event that they want to look fabulous for. Now they are susceptible to those fads and gimmicks that promise fast weight loss. And at times they will even succeed in losing weight for the event.
But looking good for that special day comes at a cost. Dieting can lead to a preoccupation with food. Feelings of being deprived can lead to binge eating. If your caloric intake is too low, your body will react by slowing your metabolism.
The cost is paid once the diet is over. Most dieters find, once they stop dieting, that they gain weight faster and easier than ever before. When you factor in multiple bouts of dieting you end up with an extremely frustrating cycle of weight loss and weight gain.
The real good news is that there is a way off the loss-gain roller coaster. There is a way to lose weight without the subsequent weight gain.
Even better, it is painless and does not require a great deal of time or money. What works most successfully for long-term weight loss, is resolving the issues that lead to struggles with weight in the first place.
Once these issues are resolved there is the hope of enjoying food for nourishment and pleasure, without using food to fill some void or satisfy emotional needs or cravings.
In the end even though dieting works; it is not worth the price it extracts from the dieter once the diet is over.
Labels: diet, dieting, diets, healthy weight loss, lose, weight, weight loss, weight loss issues
If you are struggling with your weight loss, then let me give you 2 quick fixes for your weight loss workouts. These small changes to your workout program will help you burn more fat and lose weight.
Have you ever had a friend or co-worker tell you a story, but they end up giving you a little too much information? A bit of the story that they just didn't need to tell you, making the situation a little awkward.
Happens all the time, right?
Well, the same thing happens for a lot of people with fitness information. You read one article saying X, while another says Y. All in all, it leaves you with too much information and you probably end up more confused and frustrated than you were before getting the information.
I get a lot of questions from people who are in precisely that situation. They have so much info from so many sources that they don't know where to start.
Even worse, some of you start obsessing over details. Fitness and nutrition minutia that won't make a darn difference at the end of the day. Sometimes these obsessions lead people to go to extremes, and you can end up worse off than if you had done nothing at all!
Recently a reader sent me his program that was full of extra mini-workouts at different times of the day, low-carb eating during the week followed by a carb re-feed on the weekend, and all sorts of other odds and ends that needed to be sorted out.
His goal was to look good on the beach, but his exercise and nutrition obsessions had him going the wrong way (too much cardio and not enough calories - you'll never build muscle that way).
If you, or your clients are like this, then try to remember one thing...and that is:
Consistently performing the basic requirements will give you 90% (or more) of your results.
Adding in fancy training methods, extra workouts, impossible-to-follow eating plans, and other un-necessary details will only serve to overload most people's already over-stressed lives - until one day you just won't be able to take it anymore...and the next thing you know 3 weeks have gone by since you last worked out or ate properly (because you just couldn't take the extremes anymore).
So here were two basic changes our reader had to make:
1) Cut back on his cardio from 6 session per week to 4. In terms of health, and fat loss, you'll quickly find out that 6 sessions are not better than 5, and 5 sessions are not better than 4. Remember, a good weight loss workout is all about training QUALITY, not quantity. Take a deep breath and realize you won't get fat if you cut back on your cardio to only 4 sessions per week.
(Some day I'll tell you about the reader that was doing 7 hours of cardio per week and not losing a pound!)
2) We got him back on track with a normal, healthy eating schedule. Just stick to the basics: eat low-sugar, high-fiber carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Quite simply, eat vegetables, fiber-rich fruits, lean proteins (including fish), nuts, etc. He needed to toss the low-carb weekdays, carb-refeed weekends crap. It's too complex. And wasn't even working. Stick to eating this normal, healthy approach 90% of the time and you can't go wrong.
Here's a great quote from Alwyn Cosgrove when he was asked how folks can get to the fitness truth from all the hype...
"I help people to break through by looking at things logically. One of my favorite examples is when folks talk about 'fasted' cardio for fat loss. In real world terms it won't make one single bit of difference over time whether you eat two eggs and then train or train and eat two eggs. It doesn't make any real world sense. Before acting on something, think thru the process and determine if it actually makes any sense whatsoever." - Alwyn Cosgrove
Let common sense be your guide to weight loss success!
Labels: burn fat, fat, lose fat, lose weight, weight gain, weight loss, weight loss workouts, weight problem
Have you ever tried losing weight through trendy diets, high-priced eating plans and expensive fitness machines only to end up broke and still overweight? Are you already bored to exhaustion with your gym routine that the mere thought of it expends your already draining energy? Are you already equating 'eating healthy' with total confusion? If you are all of the above, then maybe it's time to switch to a natural weight loss program.
A natural weight loss program would entail eating the right foods which stimulate the burning of calories and minimize fat build-up. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid fatty foods. It is also advisable to drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses a day. As your metabolism slows down at night, avoid eating complex carbohydrates during dinner. This does not mean going on a crash diet. It just means eating a well-balanced diet and eating it at the right time.
A natural weight loss program also requires regular exercise. Let's face it, not everybody can afford an expensive gym membership. Luckily, a 30-minute brisk walk in the morning will suffice. This should be enough to rev up your metabolism. You can do it with a partner or with your dog to make it fun and avoid boredom. Most people tend to give up on exercise when it becomes too boring and tedious so try to find more ways to spice up your morning exercise activities. If you do still have the membership in that posh gym, you can add strength training to your morning regimen.
There is another element which, when added to your natural weight loss program, could considerably affect your results. As the body ages, loss of collagen occurs. This results in the breaking down of lean muscles and connective tissues. Calotren, which is a safe and all-natural collagen protein product, helps restore the collagen that is lost as a person ages. It also helps the body to shed off excess fat and sugar by building lean muscle tissue. Including Calotren in your natural weight loss program will increase the success rate of your goal, which is to lose weight naturally.
Exercising regularly and taking care to eat only healthy foods are the most effective components in a natural weight loss program, but the results will be accelerated if you take a dietary supplement as directed. You can eat a balanced diet at daytime, take in reasonable servings and take your collagen protein supplement nightly. Results have revealed that when people included Calotren as part of their natural weight loss program, they observed a considerable weight or inch loss in 4-6 weeks. Although this may differ from individual to individual, 50% of these people noticed positive results during the first month.
Labels: calotren, natural weight loss program, weight loss, weight loss program
If you need to lose weight in a hurry, and you don't have time to mess around. Then you need the 10 best weight loss tricks. They provide power and the weight loss momentum. They put you on the weight loss fast track no matter how many pounds you need to lose.
Weight loss trick #1: Fool your body into releasing water by increasing water intake. This helps you drop the first 5-10 pounds fast, and get rid of that bloated look.
Weight loss trick #2: Walk 20-30 daily after your last meal. Speed your metabolism up before the food has a chance to get settled in, and lower your body fat storage.
Weight loss trick #3: Get in the gym 3-4 times a week for resistance training. It doesn't have to be difficult. Just get moving and stay moving while you're in there. Do this early in the day if possible.
Weight loss trick #4: Every time you feel like being lazy, take several deep breaths and say, "Nope, I'm going to make this time."
Weight loss trick #5: Do not rely on others for motivation. Plan ahead and get yourself some inspiration books and CDs. You're going to need them.
Weight loss trick #6: Identify negative vibes the instant they begin and do something to counteract them. If you're in a bad situation, simply walk away.
Weight loss trick #7: When in doubt, think of your weight loss goals. Never let a problem steer you away from the direction your heading.
Weight loss trick #8: If you truly can't avoid a negative situation, then allow it to pass and get your mind right back on your weight loss goals.
Weight loss trick #9: Never shop for groceries without a list, and always stay on the outer edges of the grocery store. There's not many healthful diet necessities located in the inner aisles. Do this and avoid the temptations.
Weight loss trick #10: When you slip up on your diet or anything else (and you will) pick yourself back up immediately and make a renewed commitment to your weight loss goals.
There you have your 10 best weight loss tricks. Take them and use them, and move forward to a better, more energetic, much thinner you!
Labels: lose weight, lose weight fast, weight loss, weight loss diet, weight loss program
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